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Rivington & Blackrod High School


School Ethos and Approach To SEND

Welcome to SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) 

At Rivington and Blackrod High School, we believe that all children should develop their individual potential. However, we also recognise that some students may experience difficulties on their journey. Working with parents/carers and family members, we ensure that each child is viewed holistically to best meet their needs. We also work with various agencies to provide our students with the best support.

What are Special Educational Needs?
Special Educational Needs means that a child has needs that are different from or additional to the majority of children of their age and that they may need extra help at school to achieve their full potential. This could be for several reasons, and we will support these needs in various ways.

What is a Disability?
Under the 'Equality Act 2010' a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities. At Rivington and Blackrod, we aim to consider each child's individual needs and work together to provide the correct support.

What to do if you have a concern about your child
If you think your child has a Special Educational Needs or Disability, please contact the school and make an appointment with Mrs J Rawlings (SENCO), to discuss your concerns.

The SENCO can be contacted on 01204 333266 or via email at JRawlings@rbhs.co.uk. In addition, your concerns can also be expressed to your child's Form Tutor or Pastoral Year Team, who will pass the details on to the SENCO.

Links to SEND policies and documents

See below policies and documents for more specific information relating to Special Educational Needs at Rivington and Blackrod High School.  

Parental Support 

If you are in need of extra support as parents of SEND children, please visit Bolton Information and Advisory Service at www.iasbolton.com.

Information about the Local Authority Provision for Children and Young People 

There is further detail on the Bolton Local Offer for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families on the local authority website. Visit www.bolton.gov.uk/sendlocaloffer.

  • For more information on the new SEN Code of Practice please click here 
  • Please see the DfE publication “Special Educational Needs and Disability a Guide for Parents and Carers, August 2014” click here 
  • The NASEN website also has many useful publications: Visit www.nasen.org.uk/