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Rivington & Blackrod High School



How to apply 

If you’d like to apply for a place at Rivington & Blackrod High School, you must indicate your preference on the Local Authority application form. To apply online, click here >

Alternatively, if you need free, independent, and impartial support to help you with the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Team on 01204 333 266.

Who to contact

If you have any questions or queries relating to admissions, please contact our Admissions Team via email at admissions@rbhs.co.uk.

Admissions Policy

Why should I choose RBHS?

Situated in an environment of extensive natural beauty, the school has over 450 years of history, and in recent years, the school has undergone a significant transformation. We have considerably invested in renovating the buildings, corridors and classrooms; creating new spaces for students to learn and enjoy. More importantly, it has transformed what happens in the classroom, putting students’ learning and pastoral care at the heart of the school.

In addition to providing excellent exam results, there is a real focus on developing the whole child; ensuring that students leave with the skills needed to succeed in their careers and play an active role in their communities.

We offer an extensive extra-curricular provision to encourage students to excel in arts and sports and opportunities to develop students’ leadership skills.

View extra curricular timetable > 

In Year Admissions

If a child is already at secondary school and the parent/carer wishes to transfer to Rivington & Blackrod High School they must first contact the Local Authority and follow the advice given by them.

The Local Authority will then contact the school to ascertain if there are any places available in the appropriate year group. If a place is available, in accordance with the Bolton Local Authority Co-Ordinated School Admission procedures, the school will consider the application. If there are more applications than places available then the school will follow its admission procedures and apply the published oversubscription admissions criteria to award the place.

Parents should visit https://www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions/moving-school-year for further information and details on how to apply.